Schumann Resonance: The Fascinating Effects of the Earth's Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields.

Schumann Resonance: The Fascinating Effects of the Earth's Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields.

Did you know the earth has a naturally occurring electromagnetic field? This pulsing field of energy, known as the Schumann Resonance, plays an integral role in our lives, much like the other elements, including water, air and sunlight. 


However, in our modern environment, it can be hard for people to keep aligned with the earth’s electromagnetic field. In the early 2000s, NASA demonstrated that astronauts who are cut off from the earth’s magnetic field developed health problems which could be mitigated by a factitious magnetic field. In this blog post, we explore what the Schumann Resonance is and how the earth’s electromagnetic field affects us. 


What is the Schumann Resonance?  

The Schumann Resonance (SR) is a frequency of electromagnetic waves in the earth’s atmosphere produced by lightning strikes all over the world. These waves travel around the earth in a wave pattern, creating a naturally occurring magnetic field around our planet. This natural electromagnetic field is similar to other fields created by electricity, such as those from power lines and mobile phone towers. 


German scientist Winfried Otto Schumann first discovered the SR in 1952 while researching lightning activity over Europe. Schumann believed these frequencies were responsible for maintaining life on earth and coined them “The Schumann Resonance” after himself. Scientists have since found these frequencies are present worldwide at 7.83Hz, which they call “the base frequency” or “the fundamental frequency” of our planet's magnetic field. 


How does the Schumann Resonance Affect Humans?

Scientists believe these resonances affect us in subtle ways, both physically and psychologically. Physically, it is said to be responsible for maintaining our bodies' natural circadian rhythms and helping to regulate our sleep cycles, with studies showing its effectiveness in treating insomnia. It also keeps us grounded by connecting us with the earth's magnetic field, helping to reduce stress levels and bring about feelings of relaxation and being centred by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Psychologically, research suggests that exposure to these frequencies can help improve focus, concentration and creativity while reducing anxiety.

The 7.8Hz base frequency of SR is on the cusp of Delta and Theta brainwave frequencies. The Delta range is associated with the deepest levels of relaxation and restorative healing sleep. The Theta range is used while we are lightly sleeping or in REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). Theta is when our creativity is high, and people often go into the Theta range while in a meditative state.

person lying on green grass field during daytime

Without The Schumann Resonance, life Hertz!

As we have explored, The SR is a vital element of human health, and a lack of exposure to the earth’s natural PEMFs has a negative impact on our health. Make it a priority to get outdoors and barefoot in nature, whether it be walking along the beach or reading a book in a park. Using an Infrared PEMF mat that mimics the earth’s natural PEMFs is great for those who want to optimise their dose of low-frequency PEMFs.

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