The human body is composed of trillions of cells, which are the (not so) basic building blocks of life! Cells are mostly comprised of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium and phosphorus. Cells make up body tissues, tissues make up organs and organs make up organ systems. 

Cells use cellular energy to communicate and carry out thousands of metabolic processes simultaneously. The quality of our cellular energy depends on the vitality of electrical fields and the chemical makeup of our cells. 

When these components are depleted, our cells cannot effectively do their job. Additionally, a lack of cellular energy makes cells more susceptible to disease.

The aim of PEMF therapy is to support cellular energy by recharging cells and assisting them in getting back to their best cellves! 

PEMF devices do this by pulsing electromagnetic fields through the body, influencing the bio-magnetic state of cells to generate electrical pulses themselves, improving circulation and blood flow to transport nutrients, hormones and oxygen throughout the body and improving ATP (cell fuel) production.

Candice resting on mat in sunlight


Far Infrared technology mimics the sun's Far Infrared Rays (FIR). FIR are invisible waves of energy the sun emits. We humans also generate far-infrared energy!

Not to be confused with ultraviolet (UV) light which causes damage to the skin, far-infrared is what warms the earth and living organisms. The warmth from FIR helps keep everything healthy and thriving!

FIR emits long wavelengths, typically between 3000 and 100,000 nm and produces heat. FIR therapy is often used in saunas to induce sweating, detoxify the body and promote relaxation. Far-infrared technology works by safely penetrating the skin with healthy doses of deep heat. Raising the body's temperature aids the function of many processes, including detoxification, circulation, metabolism, muscle and joint symptom relief and more.

eisha under red light wrap on mat


Red light therapy works by stimulating the mitochondria within cells, boosting energy production and accelerating tissue repair. This process enhances cellular function and promotes healing by increasing the production of ATP, the cell’s main energy source.

Specifically, red light at a wavelength of 660nm penetrates the skin to a depth that is optimal for promoting collagen production and reducing inflammation.

To maximise the benefits of red light therapy, it’s optimal to expose as much bare skin as possible or wear light, breathable clothing. This allows the light to penetrate more effectively, ensuring deeper absorption and more significant therapeutic effects.

Red light therapy at 660nm is particularly effective in improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and alleviating pain.


Natural crystals are integrated into our mats for their energetic properties. Together, these crystals enhance the holistic benefits of our mats, fostering a balanced and revitalised state. Our black mats contain turquoise and black tourmaline, and our beach beige mats contain turquoise and clear quartz.

  • clear quartz cluster

    Clear Quartz

    Clear quartz, also known as the Master Healer, harmonises the chakras and amplifies energy and clarity. It is renowned for its ability to enhance spiritual growth and awareness, making it a versatile and powerful crystal. Clear quartz also magnifies the effects of other crystals, promoting balance and revitalisation throughout the body.

  • turquoise stones


    Turquoise supports healing and shields against external influences or environmental pollutants. It is revered for its ability to enhance the immune system and promote overall wellness. Additionally, turquoise is believed to foster clear communication and emotional balance, making it a powerful ally in maintaining both physical and mental health.

  • black tourmaline

    Black Tourmaline

    Black tourmaline is known to offer protection against negative energy. It acts as a powerful grounding stone, helping to dispel fears and anxieties, and promote a sense of calm and stability. Additionally, black tourmaline is believed to shield against electromagnetic radiation, making it an aligned addition to our mats.

  • Amethyst Crystal


    Amethyst is renowned for its powerful healing and purifying properties. It is known to calm the mind, reduce stress and promote restful sleep. Amethyst enhances spiritual growth and intuition, popular for meditation and holistic healing practices. Additionally, it is believed to protect against negative energies and environmental pollutants, providing a sense of peace and balance.

The statements on this website are for informational purposes only and do not substitute medical advice. Our products are non-medical wellness devices and BEST CELLF does not claim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any serious diseases or conditions. Do not change or substitute current health advice without consulting your health specialist first.